Saturday, October 01, 2005

First Anniversary of Pearson Facial Plastic Surgery™

Wow! I can hardly believe how quickly this year’s passed. October 1st marks the one-year anniversary of our new practice. Of course, the growth we’ve been so fortunate to have experienced is thanks to the wonderful support of many groups. None of this would have been possible without my former Mayo Clinic patients who continue to see me, my former Mayo Clinic physician colleagues to continue to refer to me, my colleague in the building, Dr. Carreno, and the positive word-of-mouth that’s brought us so many new patients from all over north Florida.

The other key ingredient has been our excellent (and growing) staff who’ve been so dedicated to the practice and our patients. I’ve also appreciated their humoring me through my endless tweaks and revisions to everything from our forms, décor, electronic systems, logistics…you name it…all in an effort to create that unique experience for our patients.

As we move into our second year at this location we’re looking forward to our continued growth, getting the Pearson Facial Plastic Surgery™ name out there, adding new services and procedures, and probably even some additional staff. The one thing that won’t change is our focus on quality and safety, and never forgetting that I'm a physician first and businessman second.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this such a good year!